Wednesday 14 December 2011

WOW some people . . .

Some poeple really arent worth the hastle. Im not sure if I told you guys that im gay . . . anyway its not the point - well, it IS the point but you know what i mean lol. I asked a guy (james) out about 3 months ago and he text me back saying no. I was totally cool with this cos ive now got my eyes firmly set on someone else (makes me sound like a man whore - but im not, honest) and James has aasked me out tonight???!!! So obviously i said no back cos 1) he's not my type and 2) he rejected me

AHHHH drives me nutts.
But im over it and im moving on  . . . . . . . . oh you might hav enoticed that i dont post much if im not abroad lol so have an amazing christmas and see you in the new year of 2012 - im so so so so so (so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so) excited.

I need idea for new year resolutions . . . . comment please??
Love youu all